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Breastfeeding Handbook for Physicians

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Book Information
Edition: 2nd
Publisher: American Academy of Pediatrics
ISBN: 1-58110-804-4 (1581108044)
ISBN-13: 978-1-58110-804-0 (9781581108040)
New Edition: 1-61002-442-7
Old Edition: 1-58110-090-6
Format: Handbook
Binding: Softcover
Copyright: 2014
Publish Date: 10/13
Weight: 1.19 Lbs.
Pages: 320
Carton Quantity: 28
Subject Class: PED (Pediatrics)
A New Edition of this Title is Available
Doody Star Rating: 3
Return Policy: Returns accepted up to 12 months provided no other recalls or return restrictions apply.
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Class Specifications
ISSN Series: Breastfeeding Handbook for Physicians
Discipline: Pediatrics
Subject Definition: Breast Feeding
NLM Class: WS 125
LC Class: RJ216
Abstract: The new Breastfeeding Handbook for Physicians, 2nd Edition is an essential one-stop guide to the latest and best in breastfeeding management, support, education, and advocacy. Jointly developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), with additional critical review by the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), it features contributions from distinguished experts. Health professionals across your practice will use this convenient resource again and again as a quick-access clinical problem-solver and an efficient teaching and learning aid. The 2nd edition is replete with practice-focused advice based on frontline clinical experience and current research. ... New in the 2nd Edition: All-new chapters: The unique benefits of breastmilk for preterm infants; breastfeeding issues during disasters. Expanded how-to's for a breastfeeding-friendly office environment. The latest AAP and ACOG policies. Revised preventive healthcare checklists. Coverage of recent national initiatives: 2011 Surgeon General's Call to Action to Support Breastfeeding; Updated Healthy People 2020 targets for breastfeeding; provisions of the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act that promote and support breastfeeding.

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