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Cryopreservation in Assisted Reproduction: A Practitioners Guide to Methods, Management and Organization

Nagy Z
Cryopreservation in Assisted Reproduction: A Practitioners Guide to Methods, Management and Organization Cover Image
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Edition: 1st
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3-031-58213-6 (3031582136)
ISBN-13: 978-3-031-58213-4 (9783031582134)
Binding: Hardcover
Copyright: 2024
Weight: 0.00 Lbs.
Pages: 398
Subject Class: OBG (Obstetrics & Gynecology)
This Title is Not Yet Published, Scheduled to Release 09/07/24
Return Policy: Returns accepted up to 12 months provided no other recalls or return restrictions apply.
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Abstract: Cryopreservation of oocytes, sperm, and ovarian and testicular tissues, as well as embryos, is one of the most critical procedures to preserve the reproductive capacity of individuals. It is an indispensable part of assisted reproductive technologies, as nearly all IVF clinics around the world have embraced the freeze-all embryo strategy with no fresh embryo transfers. Advanced platforms, such as automation and artificial intelligence, are making their way into all aspects of assisted reproductive technologies, including reproductive tissue banking process and storage. At the same time, lax regulations and lack of training combined with rapid demands of IVF services have resulted in a climate of frequent disaster and catastrophic incidents from the cryo labs that store thousands of patients' embryos for years. With the onset of malpractice lawsuits against the clinics and awards of large compensation to the patients, regulations are getting stricter in this arena to safeguard the integrity of storage systems, and industry leaders are developing advanced devices and alarm systems to remotely monitor storage systems exploring the power of internet, AI and automation. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a comprehensive text in this field based on the introduction of such a wide array of advanced devices, newer technologies, regulatory frameworks, risks and disaster management options.With contributions from top internationally recognized scientists and clinicians with expertise in cryopreservation and reproductive technology, this book provides a comprehensive overview of the basics of cryobiological processes and a technically detailed presentation on all aspects of cryopreservation of reproductive cells and tissues. It presents the current, well-established procedures, as well as novel techniques with the latest innovations described in detail.Bringing together the latest information with key thought leaders in the field, Cryopreservation in Assisted Reproduction is intended to be the go-to resource for all reproductive medicine clinicians, embryologists, lab technologists, IVF lab directors/managers, and researchers.

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