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Nancy Caroline's Emergency: Care in the Streets. Text with DVD

Nancy Carolines Emergency: Care in the Streets. Text with DVD Cover Image
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Book Information
Edition: 6th
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishing
ISBN: 0-7637-6469-8 (0763764698)
ISBN-13: 978-0-7637-6469-2 (9780763764692)
Other Identifier(s): 0-7637-8172-X (076378172X)
New Edition: 1-4496-3780-9
Binding: Hardcover
Copyright: 2008
Publish Date: 11/08
Weight: 8.90 Lbs.
Carton Quantity: 4
Subject Class: HRP (Health Related Professions)
A New Edition of this Title is Available
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Class Specifications
Discipline: Practice Med
Subject Definition: Emergency Treatment; Emergency Medical Technicians
NLM Class: WB 105
LC Class: RC86.7
Abstract: Think back to a time when paramedics didn't exist. When "drivers" simply brought injured patients to the hospital. When the EMS industry was in its infancy. A time before Nancy Caroline. Dr. Caroline's work transformed EMS and the entire paramedic field. She created the first national standard curriculum for paramedic training in the United States. She also wrote the first paramedic textbook: Emergency Care in the Streets. The impact that Dr. Caroline had on EMS and health care spanned across the U.S. and abroad. From establishing EMS systems to training paramedics, to providing better nourishment and health care for orphans, her work had a profound impact on humanity. Throughout her life, Dr. Caroline brought a sense of excitement, joy, and humor to her work. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons is proud to continue Dr. Caroline's legacy. Her sense of excitement and humor live on in this text, which is dedicated to her. The Sixth Edition honors Dr. Caroline's work with a clear, fun, understandable writing style for which she was known. Welcome back a familiar training companion to your classroom! Say hello to Sidney Sinus, AV Abe, and a cast of memorable characters and amusing anecdotes. Make learning for your students more fun!
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