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Teachers' Guides to Inclusive Practices: Modifying Schoolwork

Janney, Rachel PhD
Teachers Guides to Inclusive Practices: Modifying Schoolwork Cover Image
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Book Information
Edition: 3rd
Publisher: Brookes, Paul H.
ISBN: 1-59857-293-8 (1598572938)
ISBN-13: 978-1-59857-293-3 (9781598572933)
Old Edition: 1-55766-706-3
Binding: Softcover
Copyright: 2013
Publish Date: 09/13
Weight: 0.86 Lbs.
Pages: 208
Carton Quantity: 42
Subject Class: EDU (Education)
Return Policy: Returns accepted up to 12 months provided no other recalls or return restrictions apply.
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Abstract: Need quick, practical, ready-to-use guidance on teaching all students-and making appropriate modifications for kids who need extra support? Get a clear and concrete plan for K-12 inclusion in this NEW edition of the bestselling book in the Teachers' Guides to Inclusive Practices series. Packed with field-tested strategies, case studies, and planning tools, this hands-on guide will help teachers deliver effective universal instruction in core content areas and create customized adaptations and flexible supports for students with diverse needs and abilities. Teachers will learn what really works in inclusion, and they'll discover how to seamlessly weave in modifications while encouraging each student's sense of belonging. ... With printable planning tools! Team Roles and Responsibilities Checklist. Program-at-a-Glance. Student Profile. General Assessment of Classroom Activities. Program Planning Matrix. Individualized Adaptations and Support Plan and more!
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