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Strategic Co-Teaching in Your School: Using the Co-Design Model

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Book Information
Edition: 1st
Publisher: Brookes, Paul H.
ISBN: 1-59857-622-4 (1598576224)
ISBN-13: 978-1-59857-622-1 (9781598576221)
Binding: E E Book + ProQuest Ebook Central
Copyright: 2013
Publish Date: 01/13
Weight: 0.00 Lbs.
Subject Class: EDU (Education)
Return Policy: Non-Returnable.
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Abstract: As a school leader, you probably know about the benefits of co-teaching in inclusive classrooms--and maybe your school already puts it into practice. Now there's a book that helps your school take collaborative teaching and learning to the next level, so educators benefit from each other's expertise and all students succeed and meet their goals. This book gives you a detailed, step-by-step guide to the research-based Co-Design Model, an innovative, schoolwide approach used in districts nationwide to strengthen collaboration and inclusion. Going far beyond typical co-teaching models focused only on instruction, the proven Co-Design Model works. ... With the in-depth guidance, real-life success stories, and helpful forms and checklists in this book, you'll have what you need to implement the Co-Design Model. You'll also get dedicated chapters on four proven "pathways" that support the model: co-teaching, differentiated instruction, technology and scaffolding. Each chapter examines one pathway in detail and gives you strategies for promoting collaborative practices across grade levels and content areas. Start putting the Co-Design Model to work in your school, and you'll see the benefits of truly inclusive, collaborative education: enhanced teacher performance and higher achievement for all students.
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