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Simulation Learning System for Potter Fundamentals of Nursing. User Guide and Access Code

Simulation Learning System for Potter Fundamentals of Nursing. User Guide and Access Code Cover Image
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Book Information
Edition: 8th
Publisher: Saunders, W. B.
ISBN: 0-323-09185-7 (0323091857)
ISBN-13: 978-0-323-09185-5 (9780323091855)
Old Edition: 0-323-07374-3
Binding: with Supplement
Copyright: 2012
Publish Date: 03/12
Weight: 0.00 Lbs.
Carton Quantity: 250
Subject Class: N-F (Nursing Fundamentals)
Return Policy: Returns accepted up to 10 months provided no other recalls or return restrictions apply. This product contains software or Internet access code(s). Returns are not accepted if seal is broken or if access code revealed.

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