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Building Construction: Methods and Materials for the Fire Service

Smith, Michael
Building Construction: Methods and Materials for the Fire Service Cover Image
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Book Information
Edition: 2nd
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN: 0-13-708378-5 (0137083785)
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-708378-7 (9780137083787)
Old Edition: 0-13-117251-4
Binding: Hardcover
Copyright: 2012
Publish Date: 07/11
Weight: 1.42 Lbs.
Pages: 231
Carton Quantity: 22
Subject Class: HRP (Health Related Professions)
Return Policy: Non-Returnable.
Table Of Contents: View
Class Specifications
LC Class: TH153
Abstract: The understanding and knowledge of building construction is critical for all firefighters strategy and safety. As the construction of new buildings and the materials used to build them continues to evolve, the need for fire service professionals to have up-to-date resources is more critical than ever. This second edition text is written to the Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) curriculum guidelines and outcomes, and incorporates the most recent NFPA Standards. The author, who ascended the ranks in the fire service for 35 years, and also served 30+ years in the construction industry as a master builder, brings his insight and unique experience to the many facets of construction that only someone who has constructed buildings would know. Along with key terms and review questions, a multitude of new features are also incorporated, including "Building Green", which addresses the impact that "going green" has had in the building industry, as well as "Firehouse Discussion" which examines the role that a building can have on the outcome of an incident.
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