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Brady Fire Administration I

Bruegman, Randy R.
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Book Information
Edition: 1st
Publisher: Pearson
ISBN: 0-13-172084-8 (0131720848)
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-172084-8 (9780131720848)
Binding: Softcover
Copyright: 2009
Publish Date: 04/08
Weight: 3.30 Lbs.
Pages: 716
Carton Quantity: 10
Subject Class: HRP (Health Related Professions)
The Publisher is out of Stock with no plan to reprint or revise
Return Policy: Non-Returnable.
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Class Specifications
Abstract: Fire Administration offers a balance of information to enable success as a company officer, battalion commander, deputy chief or chief executive officer. The career development model of the National Fire Academy, and the model curriculum of the Fire Emergency Service Higher Education (FESHE) group, industry leaders in fire service education and training, served as a basis for this important text. With experience in a variety of positions and associations, Chief Bruegman brings a real world focus as this book covers principles of leadership and management including support elements such as budget and personnel management, team building and managing change. Evaluations of personal leadership style and importance of the individual in helping to shape the fire service of the future make this a great training tool for leaders and administrators.
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