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ADHD in Adults on DVD. Includes 28 Page Manual
Barkley, Russell A. / DVD / Guilford Publications Incorporated / Pub Date 08/06 / ©2006 / Edition 01 |
ISBN: 1593853890
- Subject Class: Psychiatry and Psychology
ISBN-13: 9781593853891
List Price: $110.00
Return Policy: Returns accepted up to 12 months provided no other recalls or return restrictions apply. This product contains software or Internet access code(s). Returns are not accepted if seal is broken or if access code revealed.
2. |
ADHD in Adults: What the Science Says
Barkley, Russell A. / Softcover / Guilford Publications Incorporated / Pub Date 11/10 / ©2008 / Edition 01 |
ISBN: 1609180755
- Subject Class: Psychiatry and Psychology
ISBN-13: 9781609180751
List Price: $52.00
Return Policy: Returns accepted up to 12 months provided no other recalls or return restrictions apply.
3. |
ADHD in Adults: What the Science Says
Barkley, Russell A. PhD / Hardcover / Guilford Publications Incorporated / Pub Date 10/07 / ©2008 / Edition 01 |
ISBN: 1593855869
- Subject Class: Psychiatry and Psychology
ISBN-13: 9781593855864
List Price: $99.00
Return Policy: Returns accepted up to 12 months provided no other recalls or return restrictions apply.
4. |
ADHD in Adults: What the Science Says
Barkley, Russell A. PhD / E E Book + ProQuest Ebook Central / Guilford Publications Incorporated / Pub Date 10/07 / ©2008 / Edition 01 |
License: ProQuest Ebook Central™
ISBN: 1593858442
- Subject Class: Psychiatry and Psychology
ISBN-13: 9781593858445
List Price: $87.00
Return Policy: Non-Returnable.