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Atlas de anatomma humana: Memorama (Rohen's Photographic Anatomy Flash Cards)

Vilensky, Joel A.
Atlas de anatomma humana: Memorama (Rohens Photographic Anatomy Flash Cards) Cover Image
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Book Information
Edition: 1st
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN: 84-16353-64-6 (8416353646)
ISBN-13: 978-84-16353-64-4 (9788416353644)
Other Identifier(s): 978-84-16353-64-4 (9788416353644)
Binding: Top Spiral
Copyright: 2016
Publish Date: 04/16
Weight: 0.60 Lbs.
Carton Quantity: 60
Subject Class: ANT (Anatomy and Embryology)
Return Policy: Returns accepted up to 12 months provided no other recalls or return restrictions apply.
Class Specifications
Abstract: Concentra mas de 1900 imagenes (fotografias de diseccion e ilustraciones con etiquetas descriptivas) y estructura la ensenanza de la anatomia de una forma integral. Cada sistema se revisa en conjunto (osteolog.a, musculos, organos, vasos y nervios) apoyado de un apartado especifico para puntos clave clave y correlacion cl.nica.

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