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Neurons In Action 2: Tutorials and Simulations using NEURON

Moore, J
Neurons In Action 2: Tutorials and Simulations using NEURON Cover Image
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Book Information
Edition: 2nd
Publisher: Sinauer Associates, Inc.
ISBN: 0-87893-548-7 (0878935487)
ISBN-13: 978-0-87893-548-2 (9780878935482)
Binding: Software
Copyright: 2007
Publish Date: 04/07
Weight: 0.85 Lbs.
Carton Quantity: 22
Subject Class: NEU (Neurology and Neuroscience)
Return Policy: Returns accepted up to 90 days provided no other recalls or return restrictions apply. This product contains software or Internet access code(s). Returns are not accepted if seal is broken or if access code revealed.
Class Specifications
Abstract: Neurons in Action 2 is the second version of a unique CD-ROM-based learning tool that combines hyperlinked text with NEURON simulations of laboratory experiments in neurophysiology. Version 2 features nine new tutorials introducing new channel types, single channel simulations, and a redesigned interface. Neurons in Action's moving graphs provide insight into nerve function that is simply not possible with conventional, static text and figure presentations. Students discover how changing parameters such a neuronal geometry, ion concentrations, ion channel densities, and degree of myelination affects the generation of action potentials, synaptic potentials, and the spread or propagation of voltages within a neuron. For instructors, minimovies of NEURON simulations are provided for use in lectures. There are nine new tutorials in Neurons in Action 2, bringing the total number to 25. All of the tutorials are now grouped into two levels: Basic and Advanced. Many of the Patch Tutorials of Neurons in Action 1 have been extensively revised as detailed below. Graphics have been added throughout the tutorials to aid in comprehension of the text, and the tutorials have been related to pathology where appropriate. At the Basic Level, a tutorial on Equilibrium Potentials replaces the Patch Resting Potential Tutorial of Neurons in Action 1. A new tutorial, The Ca Action Potential, allows the student to experiment with how L-type Ca channels affect the plateau of the action potential, and to see how a cardiac action potential can be generated. Synaptic excitation and inhibition are now addressed in their own tutorials, The Neuromuscular Junction and Synaptic Inhibition. While Neurons in Action 1 dealt exclusively with macroscopic ionic currents, a showpiece of Neurons in Action 2 is a new tutorial on single Na and K channels. Called Chattering Ion Channels, this tutorial allows the student to "patch clamp" a membrane and study single-channel behavior. By systematically increasing the number of channels in the patch, the student can see how macroscopic currents are built up from single-channel currents. At the Advanced Level, three new patch tutorials have been added. A Dynamic View of Threshold plots the rate of rise of the action potential. Students learn the importance of rate of rise as the ultimate determinant of whether a neuron will or will not fire an impulse. In Na and K Channel Kinetics, the student can manipulate "m, n, and h," the gating and inactivation variables of the Na and K channels, to understand how channel mutations or different channel subunits might affect ionic currents. Extracellular Ca Sensitivity of the Na Channel shows how the sensitivity of the Na channel to Ca affects Na currents, an underappreciated factor underlying clinical problems due to hyper- and hypocalcemia. In the Cells section of the Advanced Level, a tutorial on "Voltage Clamping" Cells reveals the problems of interpreting voltage-clamp or patch-clamp currents when an axon, the dendrites, or the series resistance of the electrode complicate the observations. The final tutorial on Coincidence Detection ventures further into synaptic integration than Neurons in Action 1. It allows the student to add new channels, observed in auditory neurons, to a soma; their presence narrows the time window during which two synaptic inputs can summate to generate a spike. The principles illustrated by this tutorial are applicable throughout the CNS.
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