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Reading Comprehension Blueprint Activity Book: A Practice & Planning Guide for Teachers

Hennessy, Nancy Lewis
Reading Comprehension Blueprint Activity Book: A Practice & Planning Guide for Teachers Cover Image
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Book Information
Edition: 1st
Publisher: Brookes, Paul H.
ISBN: 1-68125-762-9 (1681257629)
ISBN-13: 978-1-68125-762-4 (9781681257624)
Binding: Softcover
Copyright: 2024
Publish Date: 01/24
Weight: 1.50 Lbs.
Pages: 240
Subject Class: EDU (Education)
Return Policy: Returns accepted up to 12 months provided no other recalls or return restrictions apply.
Class Specifications
Abstract: In Nancy Hennessy...s bestselling book, K-8 educators across the country learned the fundamentals of evidence-based comprehension instruction. Now.."in response to popular demand.."there...s a companion activity book that helps teachers apply the Blueprint in their classrooms!Grounded in the science of reading, this book is a practical field guide to intentional instruction that enhances reading comprehension skills for all learners. The activity book covers every section of the Blueprint: vocabulary, syntax and sentence comprehension, text structures, background knowledge, and levels of understanding and inference as well as expression of understanding
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