Discipline: | Gastroint Sys | Subject Definition: | Deglutition Disorders-Etiology; Deglutition-Drug Effects | NLM Class: | WI 39 | LC Class: | RC815.2 | Abstract: | The thoroughly revised second edition of this pocket-sized reference is for all clinicians who manage patients with dysphagia. Speech.."language pathologists, occupational therapists, physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, clinical dietitians, nurses, and pharmacists will all find this book to be a helpful, handy resource. Drugs and Dysphagia.."Second Edition is carefully organized, allowing quick access to precise information, with new tables targeting current, relevant information for busy professionals. Chapters describe the mechanism of action of the medications as well as the dosing and side effects of medications for that disorder. The risk of dysphagia is then described for each medication as well as the likelihood of encountering side effects. Tables are also included with summaries of drug interactions. Case studies are provided as examples of how to use the tables in the book. |