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Rethinking Rural Health Ethics

Simpson, Christy
Rethinking Rural Health Ethics Cover Image
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Book Information
Edition: 1st
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3-319-60811-8 (3319608118)
ISBN-13: 978-3-319-60811-2 (9783319608112)
Binding: E E Book + ProQuest Ebook Central
Copyright: 2017
Publish Date: 08/17
Weight: 0.00 Lbs.
Subject Class: M-E (Medical Ethics)
Return Policy: Non-Returnable.
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Class Specifications
ISSN Series: International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine
Discipline: Public Health
Subject Definition: Ethics, Medical
NLM Class: WA 390
LC Class: R724
Abstract: This book challenges readers to rethink rural health ethics. Traditional approaches to health ethics are often urban-centric, making implicit assumptions about how values and norms apply in health care practice, and as such may fail to take into account the complexity, depth, richness, and diversity of the rural context. There are ethically relevant differences between rural health practice and rural health services delivery and urban practice and delivery that go beyond the stereotypes associated with rural life and rural health services. This book examines key values in the rural context that have not been fully explored or taken into account when we examine health ethics issues, including the values of community and place, and a need to ...revalue... relationships. It also advocates for a greater attention to meso and macro level analysis in rural health ethics as being critical to ethical analysis of rural health care. This book is essential reading for those involved in health ethics, rural health policy and governance, and for rural health providers.
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