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Oxford Handbook of General Practice and Emergencies in Primary Care Pack

Simon, Chantal
Oxford Handbook of General Practice and Emergencies in Primary Care Pack Cover Image
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Book Information
Edition: 1st
Publisher: Oxford University Press, Incorporated
ISBN: 0-19-956798-0 (0199567980)
ISBN-13: 978-0-19-956798-0 (9780199567980)
Binding: Hardcover
Publish Date: 03/10
Bookstore Series: Oxford Handbook (See all titles)
Weight: 0.00 Lbs.
Pages: 1456
Subject Class: FAM (Family Medicine)
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Abstract: "The Oxford Handbook of General Practice has been a lifeline for busy GPs since the first edition published in 2002. Covering the whole of general practice, with hands-on advice from experienced practitioners, this essential handbook provides rapid access to information to help with any day-to-day problems which might arise in general practice. The new third edition takes into account the significant changes in primary care since publication of the second edition in 2005. Written in line with the new GP curriculum, the authors have included new material on the GP contract, foundation level doctors in general practice, and training for general practice. All chapters have been completely revised and updated throughout with input from a team of specialist reviewers and contributors. The chapter on child health has been radically updated and specific chapters have now been dedicated to pregnancy and contraception/sexual health. The handbook also includes quick reference practical management boxes for pediatric and elderly patients, a plate section of color images, and a reference to online guidelines and resources. Revised to include the latest guidelines and management practices, this authoritative handbook is critical reading for all those working in general practice. Designed for the busy GP, Emergencies in Primary Care covers the range of emergencies GPs might expect to encounter in the primary care setting, from the immediately life-threatening to the smaller but urgent problems that can and do arise. Written in a concise and didactic style, it incorporates useful algorithms to make complex management straightforward. Government guidelines are incorporated along with links to further information sources. Each clinical topic is succinctly addressed with all the information needed to make an accurate diagnosis, other diagnoses to consider and a clear management strategy. It is aimed primarily at general practitioners, along with casualty staff, general practice registrars, nurse practitioners, and others involved in primary care."

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