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Evidence-Based Leadership, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship in Nursing and Healthcare: A Practical Guide. Text with Access Code

Melnyk, Bernadette Mazurek PhD, RN
Evidence-Based Leadership, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship in Nursing and Healthcare: A Practical Guide. Text with Access Code Cover Image
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Book Information
Edition: 2nd
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated
ISBN: 0-8261-6071-9 (0826160719)
ISBN-13: 978-0-8261-6071-3 (9780826160713)
Old Edition: 0-8261-9618-7
Binding: with Supplement Softcover
Copyright: 2024
Publish Date: 02/24
Weight: 2.14 Lbs.
Pages: 512
Subject Class: N-A (Nursing Administration and Education)
Return Policy: Non-Returnable.
Contributing Authors: View
Class Specifications
Discipline: Nursing
Subject Definition: Evidence-Based Nursing-U.S.
NLM Class: WY 100.7
LC Class: RT86.7
Abstract: Authored by world-class innovators and leaders in evidence-based healthcare practice, this text delivers proven strategies for incorporating inventive leadership solutions into daily practice. It is the only such resource to include an accompanying skills-building handbook to help readers put key content into real-world practice. The second edition builds on the strengths of the first with six new chapters focusing on emotional intelligence and crucial conversations, leading in a virtual world, budgeting and the art of negotiation, putting leadership competencies into practice, learning from the frontlines, and building organizational wellness. It spotlights entrepreneurial thinking for nurses working in larger healthcare systems and private practice and includes examples of innovative solutions developed during COVID-19. The text also reflects current AACN Essentials and other national standards and competencies. The book differs from traditional academic texts by providing relatable content that is both practical and engaging. With the aim of stimulating readers to move beyond conventional thinking and behavior, it provides plentiful first-person accounts of successful healthcare leadership and innovation and step-by-step "how-tos" for productively applying concepts. A popular "Call to Action" feature provides practical exercises to help readers develop the skills addressed in each chapter. Motivational quotes, podcasts, learning objectives, review questions, and bulleted takeaway points provide additional opportunities for in-depth learning. An extensive instructor package includes PPTs, podcasts, and useful teaching strategies.

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