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Pediatric Nursing: The Critical Components of Nursing Care. Text with Access Code

Rudd, Kathryn RN
Pediatric Nursing: The Critical Components of Nursing Care. Text with Access Code Cover Image
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Book Information
Edition: 2nd
Publisher: Davis, F.A.
ISBN: 0-8036-6653-5 (0803666535)
ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-6653-5 (9780803666535)
New Edition: 1-71964-570-1
Old Edition: 0-8036-2179-5
Format: Textbook
Binding: with Supplement Softcover + Internet Access Code
Copyright: 2019
Publish Date: 10/18
Weight: 3.06 Lbs.
Pages: 588
Carton Quantity: 12
Subject Class: N-C (Nursing, Maternal and Child)
A New Edition of this Title is Available
Doody Star Rating: 3
Return Policy: Returns accepted up to 10 months provided no other recalls or return restrictions apply. This product contains software or Internet access code(s). Returns are not accepted if seal is broken or if access code revealed.
Contributing Authors: View
Class Specifications
Discipline: Nursing
Subject Definition: Pediatric Nursing-Methods; Child; Infant
NLM Class: WY 159
LC Class: RJ245
Abstract: A better way to learn pediatric nursing! Pediatric Nursing, 2nd Edition, DavisPlus Resources, and Davis Edge work together to create an interactive learning experience that focuses on must-know information that meets the needs of today's students and instructors. The text provides comprehensive foundational and clinical knowledge. DavisPlus equips instructors with the lesson plans and resources they need to create an active classroom where students can apply what they're learning. Davis Edge tracks student progress and assesses their knowledge in real time until they've mastered the must-know concepts. An easy-to-read, need-to-know approach, with student-friendly features focuses on delivering the critical content to today's learners. A visually engaging design that features bullet content, flow charts, diagrams, and tables make it easy to understand. This is the text to ensure student success.
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