Discipline: | Pediatrics | Subject Definition: | Mental Disorders-Drug Therapy; Adolescent | NLM Class: | WS 350.2 | LC Class: | RJ504.7 | Abstract: | The text first reviews developmental aspects of pediatric psychopharmacology, explaining why children and adolescents don't always respond to psychopharmacological treatment the same way as adults, and exploring issues pertaining to the safety and efficacy of treatment. It then moves on to specific chapters covering problems that practitioners find most vexing, from ADHD to pediatric major depressive disorder to juvenile-onset schizophrenia. It also discusses pharmacotherapy for youths who are primarily seen in general medical settings, covering such conditions as functional somatic syndromes and somatoform disorders, eating disorders, sleep disorders, elimination disorders, and delirium. Throughout the text, the contributors provide commentary regarding the clinical interpretability of existing literature to better enable clinicians to incorporate research results into their practice. Both scientifically sound and clinically rich, this manual is a boon to busy practitioners as well as an excellent resource for introductory courses in pediatric psychopharmacology. |