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Teaching Language Arts, Math and Science to Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

Browder, Diane M. PhD
Teaching Language Arts, Math and Science to Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities Cover Image
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Book Information
Edition: 1st
Publisher: Brookes, Paul H.
ISBN: 1-55766-798-5 (1557667985)
ISBN-13: 978-1-55766-798-4 (9781557667984)
Binding: Softcover
Copyright: 2006
Publish Date: 04/06
Weight: 1.28 Lbs.
Pages: 344
Carton Quantity: 22
Subject Class: EDU (Education)
Return Policy: Returns accepted up to 12 months provided no other recalls or return restrictions apply.
Class Specifications
Abstract: Under NCLB, students with severe disabilities are expected to make progress on state academic content standards in language arts, math, and science. But what material should educators teach from these three content areas, and how should they teach it? With this groundbreaking textbook, future educators will finally have the answers they need. The first major research-to-practice resource on this critical topic, this text goes beyond functional and access skills and shows educators how to make the general curriculum accessible to students of all ages with significant cognitive disabilities.
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