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Frequently Asked Questions

I don't have an account number. How do I place an order?

This web site is for customers of Matthews Medical Books to place online orders. In order to aquire an account number, fill out and submit the Credit Application located towards the bottom of the main menu.

If you are trying to purchase books for school, your medical practice, or for personal use, please continue shopping at

I just registered. Now what?

There are many options once registered. Here are a few to get started:

What's "My Bookshelf?" How do I email My Bookshelf?

My Bookshelf is a place in which to store books for later review or purchase. Bookshelves are web account specific, while shopping carts are account number specific.

How do I email My Bookshelf?
  1. Add any product(s) to your bookshelf.
  2. Click on the “My Bookshelf” link on the left menu.
  3. Click “Email the items in My Bookshelf to a friend” link at the top of the product list.
  4. Fill in the information to whom you wish to send the list.
  5. Click send.

How do I change my password?

  1. Sign in at
  2. Click the "My Account" link in the upper right hand corner, under Quick Search.
  3. Click the "Change user name or password" link.
  4. Enter the password you would like in both the "Password" and "Confirm" fields.
  5. Click the "Update" button.

How do I recover my password?

  1. Navigate to the Password Recovery page.
  2. Enter your account number and user name. Click the "Send" button.
  3. Enter the answer to the recovery question. Click the "Go" button.
  4. A new temporary password will be sent to the email address registered with this web account. Follow the "How do I change my password" instructions to change the temporary password to one of your choosing.

Where did my shopping cart go? How do I get it back?

A new shopping cart is created each time a user visits the web site. However, all carts are saved when the user *signs in*. To view an old shopping cart:

  1. Sign in to
  2. Click on the "Saved Carts" link on the left menu under "Account".
  • To use an older shopping cart, click the "use cart" link to activate that cart.
  • To merge multiple carts, check each cart to be merged and click the "Update" button.
  • To name a cart, enter a name into the cart name field and click the "Update" button.
  • To create a new cart, click the "Create New Cart" link.
  • To delete a cart, click the "Delete" link of the cart to be deleted.
Each of these operations cannot be undone.

Why doesn't my credit card show up on the checkout screen?

Credit cards created with your web account require a billing address. Your credit card may not appear on the checkout screen if the address associated with the credit card has been deleted.

For security reasons, the credit card must be deleted and recreated. If there are no addresses available for choosing, a new address must be created before recreating your credit card. A new address may be created on the "Manage your addresses" screen, available under "My Account."

What's the difference between "Method On File" and web account information?

"Method On File" is a term used to reference the current information in your Matthews Book Company account file. This information is separate from your web account information and may be changed only by contacting your customer service representative. Addresses, emails, and credit cards created with your web account are for online ordering only.

Is there any way to get rid of that shopping cart that follows me around?

The small shopping cart that appears on most pages may be turned off to increase performance.

  1. Click the “My Account” link in the upper right hand corner, under Quick Search.
  2. Click the “Display Small Shopping Cart” link.
  3. Check or uncheck the "Display Small Shopping Cart" checkbox and click the "Update" button.

How do I print a page without getting the main menu?

Every page has a print link in the upper right hand corner, under the Quick Search. This link opens a new window with a printer friendly version of the current page. This page also contains a "Click Here To Print" button. This button opens the printer options window allowing you to print the document.

Please note: This feature may not work properly on all pages and if popup blocking software is installed.

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