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Talking with Children and Young People about Death and Dying

Turner, Mary
Talking with Children and Young People about Death and Dying Cover Image
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Book Information
Edition: 2nd
Publisher: Jessica Kingsley
ISBN: 1-84310-441-5 (1843104415)
ISBN-13: 978-1-84310-441-4 (9781843104414)
Binding: Softcover
Copyright: 2006
Publish Date: 10/06
Weight: 1.05 Lbs.
Pages: 160
Subject Class: C-H (Consumer Health)
Return Policy: Returns accepted up to 12 months provided no other recalls or return restrictions apply.
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Abstract: "Talking with Children and Young People about Death and Dying" is a popular resource designed to help adults talk to bereaved children and young people. Mary Turner explains the various aspects and stages of bereavement and offers useful insights into the concerns of children experiencing grief or facing an imminent bereavement. She addresses children's common fears and worries, dreams and nightmares, and acknowledges the effect of trauma on the grief process. This second edition includes a new section for adults on understanding the distress of a bereaved child and also a list of useful contacts. It is a fully photocopiable workbook that enables adults to deal with these issues sensitively and explains, for example, how to choose appropriate words to support the child. It will empower and equip adults working with bereaved children to encourage them to communicate their pain and understand the often contradictory emotions aroused by the death of someone close to them.

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